Music Video Album

Line Production is a process followed in making a film with methodical systems which should be error free.

The process of line production starts after the script is frozen and the breakdowns are in place and the schedule is ready for principal photography.

Line production is making a film in a process that comes one after the other in order of activity. A line producer is the producer on the shooting floor who executes the role of a producer. He ensures that all the activities planned by him are being executed in the right manner, in the budgeted expenditure sanctioned.

Line Producer's (also known as the Line EP) responsibility ends as the exposed cans reach the laboratory for processing. Thereafter it is the Head of Post Production who takes over the reigns of the film till the release of the film to the extent of completion of the film technically.

Media Planning, Promotional activities, Marketing Distribution, Release etc., will be looked into by the Executive Producer.