Australia is an extremely cost-effective film making country, and its attractive financial incentives make it an appealing production destination.
Our knowledge of Federal Tax Offsets and State/Regional Tax Incentives and Rebates in conjunction with Crew Rates will advise you in choosing the right place to shoot your production for the lowest movie budgets and highest quality production value.
Australia's Federal, State and Regional Governments and Film Offices offer a range of refundable tax offset rebates and incentives to attract overseas-originated screen content to produce and/or conduct Post, Digital and VFX production (PDV) in Australia.
Australian Federal Government Screen Production Incentive is in three forms:
The Australian Government's updated Location Offset provides a rebate on qualifying expenditure to large budget film and television productions which film in Australia.
Complimenting the Location Offset is a post production digital and visual effect (PDV) Offset. This provides a rebate to projects on post, digital and VFX works in Australia regardless of whether the production was shot in Australia.
The Producer Offset is a tax-based incentive for producers of Australian screen projects. A 40% rebate of Qualifying Australian Production Expenditure (QAPE) is available to feature films and a 20% rebate of qualifying expenditure on all other formats, as set out in the legislation and guidelines.
Eligible projects must be deemed to have Significant Australian Content in order to be entitled for this incentive.
A film or television program approved as an official co-production is regarded as a national production of each of the co-producing countries. Only official co-productions with Australia can combine subsidies from their country of origin with the Australian Producer Offset. This can offer a benefit of up to 40% on Qualifying Australian Production Expenditure, subject to minimum criteria.